
Catholic House Dems prep voting scorecard

WASHINGTON, April 14 (UPI) -- Some Catholic Democrats in the U.S. House have a new plan to show they adhere more closely to church doctrine in votes than their Republican counterparts.

Roll Call reported Wednesday Reps. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., and Nicholas Lampson, D-Texas, are preparing a "Catholic Voting Scorecard" that aims to show Catholic Democrats have adhered more closely than Catholic Republicans on issues identified by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as legislative priorities.


The paper reports a preliminary and unfinished copy of the scorecard shows the 67 Catholic House Democrats received an average scores of 76 percent, while the 49 Catholic Republican members averaged scores of 64 percent on votes ranging from partial-birth abortion and human cloning to raising the minimum wage.

About 27 percent of House members are Catholic.

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