
Report finds Canada unprepared

OTTAWA, March 31 (UPI) -- Canada was unprepared for potential disasters due to poor government cooperation and under-funded emergency workers, said a report released Wednesday.

The Senate committee on national security and defense, which has been studying the issue for more than two years, says Canada is repeating its history of "muddling through" when it comes to its preparedness for man-made or natural crises, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported.


"The fact that Canada was unprepared for two world wars cost us many young lives. The fact that we are clearly so unready for a wide variety of potential disasters could cost us even more lives," the report said.

"Within the bounds of financial realism, there is no excuse for unreadiness. Governments are paid to be ready."

The committee said they were "overwhelmed with evidence" about the lack of co-operation and cohesion and among the federal and provincial governments.

The report calls for increased funding for first responders, a strengthening of the federal government's emergency system and better cooperation with the provinces.

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