
Kerry team attacks on 'special interests'

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry's campaign hit back Friday against GOP attacks accusing him of being an agent of special interests.

Kerry spokesperson Stephanie Cutter criticized President George W. Bush for making "his first campaign message to the American people a misleading, negative attack on John Kerry." She said it was "another attempt to avoid an honest discussion of the issues."


"John Kerry has a proven record of standing up to the very special interests George Bush caves to," Cutter said. "As president, John Kerry will continue to fight polluters who are trying to rewrite our clean air laws, HMOs who put profits before patients, and the big oil companies who are trying to drill in the Alaskan Wilderness."

Kerry, the junior senator from Massachusetts, has established a potentially decisive lead in the Democratic primary race even though only about a quarter of the delegates to July's national convention in Boston have been chosen. Recent polls show him ahead of the president in approval ratings.

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