
Mother Teresa's 'miracle' contested

NEW DELHI, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- Rationalists from India are reportedly objecting to Pope John Paul II's beatification of Mother Teresa.

Radio Netherlands said the Indian Rationalist Society is calling the Vatican's claim of a post-death miracle fraudulent and harmful to the public health needs of India.


As part of the beatification process, miraculous events associated with Mother Teresa need to be verified, including at least one since her 1997 death.

The Vatican claims an Indian peasant was miraculously healed of a tumor in 1998 when a photo of the late nun was placed on the patient's abdomen.

But the society said Thursday the woman had been taking conventional medication for nine months before her recovery.

A society spokesman said: "When it is taken as a miracle, in a country like India, where medical facilities are so much lacking, this is giving a very bad signal to the people. We are trying very hard to tell people you don't have to pray to get cured; you have to go for vaccinations and medicines."

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