
Former FBI agent charged in 1981 slaying

BOSTON, Oct. 10 (UPI) -- Former FBI agent Paul Rico, who worked with underworld informants in Boston, was in custody Friday, charged with helping arrange a 1981 gangland slaying.

Rico, 78, was arrested Thursday near his Miami home for the killing of wealthy Oklahoma businessman Roger Wheeler, the president of the Telex Corp. and owner of World Jai Alai.


The New York Times said the murder indictment, handed up by a Tulsa, Okla., grand jury, said Wheeler was killed by John Martorano, a hit man for Boston's notorious Winter Hill gang.

Rico was chief of security for World Jai Alai when Wheeler was killed.

The Times said Martorano, who admitted killing Wheeler, testified in another trial that Rico approached him about killing Wheeler because the gang believed Wheeler had learned they were skimming $1 million a year in jai alai profits.

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