
Kay: Iraqi WMD evidence being gathered

WASHINGTON, July 31 (UPI) -- CIA expert David Kay says the United States is gaining the cooperation of some Iraqi scientists in the search for weapons of mass destruction.

The Washington Post says Kay, the CIA's adviser on the weapons search, spent three hours Thursday morning testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee.


Kay later told reporters: "We are gaining the cooperation, the active cooperation, of Iraqis who were involved in that program. We are, as we speak, involved in sensitive exploitation of sites that we are being led to by Iraqis."

Although Kay said "solid evidence" is being produced, he added the evidence would not be made public "until we have full confidence it is solid proof of what we're to talk about."

Kay took issue with an earlier Post story that quoted administration sources as saying the Iraqi Survey Team, which Kay is helping direct, is studying documents but not visiting sites.

Kay told the Post sites are, in fact, being visited and "almost every one of them is one that we did not know about until we were led to it by Iraqis or the documentation we have seized."


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