
Slain Chicago woman feared ex-boyfriend

Eddy Curry
Eddy Curry | License Photo

CHICAGO, Jan. 27 (UPI) -- A woman found slain in a Chicago townhouse, identified as the mother of NBA player Eddy Curry's son, was trying to escape an abusive boyfriend, her family says.

Nova Henry, 24, and her 9-month-old daughter Ava were found shot to death Saturday by Henry's mother, Yolan Henry, who told Tuesday's Chicago Tribune her daughter had just moved to the South Loop condominium to escape an ex-boyfriend against whom Nova Henry had taken out an order of protection.


Curry's 3-year-old son by Nova Henry was found unharmed at the crime scene has been placed with Henry family, the newspaper said.

The former boyfriend named in the protection order was questioned by Chicago Police Sunday after tracing him to a hotel in LaPorte County, Ind., but nothing came of the interview, unnamed sources told the newspaper.

Police have not charged anyone and have not named any suspects.

Family members said Nova Henry was a member of her high school dance team and had attended several colleges before recently telling them she wanted to enroll in dentistry school, the newspaper reported.


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