
Soccer club bosses thought to fix matches

BRUSSELS, March 17 (UPI) -- Several First Division Belgian soccer matches the past two seasons are alleged to have been "bought" by the Chinese gambling mafia.

The Belgian police on Thursday raided the homes and offices of La Louvière Club Chairman Filippo Gaone, club Manager Chris Benoit and the club's lawyer, Laurent Denis, Expatica News reported.


Gaone has officially been charged with forgery, embezzlement and abuse of social funds. Denis was also charged with abuse of social funds, the federal public prosecution office said.

The men are suspected of involvement in a soccer match-fixing scandal but the federal prosecution office has neither confirmed nor denied the rumors, Expatica said.

Gaone and Denis deny all charges and were released from police custody Friday morning.

Expatica reported Belgian star Olivier Suray allegedly confessed to fixing a match in Finland on commission from the main suspect Zheyun Ye.

International arrest warrants were issued Thursday against Ye and agent Pietro Allatta who are accused of corruption, fraud, forming a criminal gang, forgery, money laundering and making death threats, said Expatica.

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