
Nate Newton sentenced to 30 months

DALLAS, Aug. 14 (UPI) -- Nate Newton, once considered one of the best offensive linemen in the National Football League during his career with the Dallas Cowboys, was sentenced to 30 months in prison Wednesday and ordered to pay a $25,000 fine after he admitted he planned to carry a load of marijuana to Houston

U.S. District Judge Barbara Lynn, who told Newton during sentencing that she had to put aside the fact that she was a fan of the Cowboys, also sentenced him to three years' probation and 250 hours of public service. She told Newton she did not think he was a, "bad person." But she said because young people looked up to Newton, they had to understand he was not a role model.


Newton, who has already spent eight months behind bars, must report to federal authorities on Oct. 8.

Police found 175 pounds of marijuana in his car when it was stopped in an adjacent county last year.

Among those testifying in Newton's behalf during the sentencing phase of the proceedings was former Cowboys cornerback Deion Sanders.

Newton also faces drug charges in Louisiana.

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