
Poll shows status of science in Israel

JERUSALEM, March 16 (UPI) -- Three-quarters of adults in Israel think the state invests too little money in academic research and development, a poll indicates.

The National Council for R&D released the results of the poll Wednesday, National Science Day, the anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein.


"It is encouraging to see that the public regards science and technology highly," Yitzhak Ben-Yisrael, chairman of the national council, told The Jerusalem Post.

The poll also examined the public's opinion of the status of various professional fields.

Individuals in the medical profession were rated No. 1 in prestige while scientific professions were second.

They were followed by engineers, teachers and military officers.

Health is the scientific subject in which most Israelis are interested, the poll indicated, followed by the environment, computers and Internet, and history and archeology.

The poll was conducted for the council by the Dahaf Institute among 528 adults.

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