
Rescued dolphins said doing well off Maine

CAPE COD, Mass., Jan. 27 (UPI) -- Most of the 24 dolphins rescued during mass strandings on the Massachusetts coast survived and some were tracked to Maine coastal waters, wildlife experts said.

Most of the dolphins were about 18 miles off the Maine coast Thursday, roughly 190 miles away from where they were rescued, the International Fund for Animal Welfare said Friday.


They "appear to be utilizing known offshore habitats for this species," a release from the organization said.

About 100 dolphins were stranded along Cape Cod last month and dozens died but many were rescued.

Six of the rescued dolphins were fitted with satellite tracking tags when they were released, CNN reported.

"We're all exhausted, muddy and unsure what tomorrow will bring," IFAW senior program coordinator A.J. Cady said earlier this week, "but rest assured, if more dolphins strand, we'll do everything in our power to rescue and release them into open ocean."

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