
Maine bill would label cellphones as risk

AUGUSTA, Maine, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Maine's Legislature is considering a bill that would require all cellphones sold in the state to carry cancer warnings.

While there is no conclusive evidence cellphones cause cancer, numerous studies suggest a risk of cancer increases from excessive use, said Democratic state Rep. Andrea Boland, the bill's author.


Under Boland's bill, all cellphones sold in Maine, and the packaging, would contain a label telling customers they risk possibly getting brain cancer. The warnings also would urge cell phone users to keep the phones at a distance from their bodies when in use.

Boland uses a speaker to conduct calls via her cell phone, rather hold the cell phone to her head when it is in use, and she keeps the device turned off unless she knows someone plans to call, CNET News reported Monday.

Studies that suggest an increased cancer risk from exposure to microwave radiation contradict reports from the World Health Organization and the National Cancer Institute, which have said no scientific evidence proves cellphones cause cancer.

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