
Unchecked global warming could be costly

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- The Union of Concerned Scientists says failure to curb global warming could cost U.S. taxpayers, businesses and governments billions of dollars in damages.

The organization said its finding is part of an overview of more than 60 studies analyzing the potential U.S. financial toll of global warming largely due to rising sea levels, more intense hurricanes, flooding, declining public health, strained energy and water resources, and impaired transportation infrastructure.


"If we don't address global warming, you can imagine a cash register going 'ka-ching' all across the country," said Lexi Shultz, deputy director of the organization's climate program. "By late this century, the Midwest could be inundated with more torrential rainstorms costing tens of billions of dollars. California, Washington and Oregon could be hit with an additional billion dollars in property damage from wildfires every year. The Northeast and Northwest, meanwhile, could lose most of their snowpack, which would kill the ski industry."

Scientists said global warming already has altered the U.S. climate.

"Average U.S. temperatures have already risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 50 years, and are projected to rise another 7-11 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century," the report said.


Given that heat-trapping gases remain in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries, continuing to emit them at current rates would place a massive burden on generations to come, the UCS said.

The report and more information is available at

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