
Gender test being sold in U.S. drugstores

PLANO, Texas, June 9 (UPI) -- An over-the-counter gender prediction test will not be sold in China or India for fear it could be used as a reason to terminate pregnancies, its maker said.

"All of our retailers have to strictly adhere to that policy. If they don't, we would pull our product immediately from their shelves," said Rebecca Griffin, co-founder of IntelliGender in Plano, Texas.


CVS and Walgreens stores in the United States began selling the IntelliGender test nationwide last month for $34.95, CNN reported Tuesday. More than 50,000 of the tests have been sold in the United States since it became available online in 2006, Griffin said.

The test has a 78 to 80 percent accuracy rate in determining as early as 10 weeks after conception whether a woman is carrying a boy or a girl, Griffin said.

The test will not be sold in countries, such as China and India, where boys are preferred over girls and the test, therefore, could be used for gender selection, Griffin told CNN.

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