
Malpractice lawsuits rise before new law

CHICAGO, May 30 (UPI) -- Medical malpractice lawsuits are piling up in Illinois courts ahead of a bill that would cap awards in such cases, the Chicago Sun-Times said Monday.

In Chicago's Cook County alone, lawsuits are running three or four times the normal number. The flood of the suits began after legislative leaders announced last week a deal on award caps to be signed Gov. Rod Blagojevich.


The caps would apply to any injuries suffered.

But some attorneys fear the legislation might be amended to apply the limits to any case filed after the bill becomes law, even if the injuries were suffered before the governor put his name on it. Votes in the House and Senate are expected as early as Tuesday.

The caps would limit non-economic damages to $500,000 against doctors and $1 million against hospitals.

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