
Nature: Take action against avian flu

LONDON, May 25 (UPI) -- Scientists Wednesday warned of the devastating impact a pandemic of avian flu would produce.

In the latest edition of Nature, the editors warn tens of millions worldwide might die, leaving the global economy in tatters.


"The first act, the spread of avian flu to, and probably between, humans, has already started across Asia," the editors wrote "Unless the international community now moves decisively to mitigate this pandemic threat, we will in all probability pay heavily within a few years. Then, hard questions will be asked as to why we were not prepared."

The editorial noted skeptics are not convinced of the danger avian flu poses.

The editors called on national agriculture and veterinary departments, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health to take steps to prevent a pandemic strain and develop a vaccine against it -- and fast.

"Each human case that occurs in Asia is potentially a global threat. The international virology community needs to be permanently there, on the ground. We need to diagnose cases swiftly, and treat the patients and all their contacts immediately with antiviral drugs to try to kill the pandemic at source," the editorial said.


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