
French wage war against obesity

PARIS, May 4 (UPI) -- France is grappling with an emerging obesity problem that experts fear might become as serious as it is in the United States and Britain.

While only 11.3 percent of French citizens are obese and nearly 40 percent overweight, more than half of all U.S. and British residents are overweight.


But rates of French obesity have been rising 5 percent yearly since 1997, the International Herald Tribune reported Wednesday. Unless checked, France might have as big a weight problem as the United States or Britain.

Experts blame the rise of fast food, frozen food and snack food for the trend.

They also blame shortened meal times. The average French meal has decreased from an hour and 22 minutes in 1978 to just 38 minutes today. Longer meal times make for more leisurely eating, which, in turn, allows diners to be more aware of when they have eaten enough.

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