
Study:Any car cell phone use distracting

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- University of Utah researchers have found all cell phone conversations whether hands-free or hand-held are distracting to a motorist behind the wheel.

The study by David Strayer and Frank Drews found people talking on a cell phone while driving reacted to brake lights in front of them as slowly as 65-to-74-year-olds not using a cell phone. The cell phone users were 18 percent slower hitting the brakes than drivers not talking and driving.


The study was cited by the Governors Highway Safety Association, a Washington-based non-profit representing highway safety officers that assists states in implementing highway safety plans.

"GHSA's opposition to hand-held cell phone bans is rooted in the fact that these limited bans urge drivers to continue an unsafe behavior behind the wheel," said association chairman Jim Champagne. "The best message to drivers is: Do not use your cell phone at all while driving."

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