
New studies on cancer survivors

NEW YORK, June 1 (UPI) -- Researchers are beginning to publish studies on the estimated 10 million cancer survivors in the United States, the New York Times reported Tuesday.

A Report to the Nation, from the National Cancer Institute, the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Cancer Society, will be issued at the end of this week.


It analyzes trends in survival, comparing survival 25 years ago to today and discussing why the improvements may have occurred.

There are now nearly 10 million cancer survivors in this country, up from 3 million in 1971 and 6 million in 1986. Their growing numbers have prompted the new studies.

Also being released later this week is the President's Cancer Panel's report, which focuses on survivors' medical needs, psychological needs and on issues like health insurance and how survivors' needs depend on their age at diagnosis.

Earlier this month, a report by the CDC and the Lance Armstrong Foundation called for, among other things, registries to follow cancer survivors to learn long-term consequences of treatments and for programs to help patients live with medical conditions resulting from cancer and its treatment.


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