
Exercise key to family good health

ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 1 (UPI) -- U.S. experts said Thursday that when parents teach their children about exercise by example, the effort can lead to better child and family health.

The experts, at the University of Michigan, warned that over the past two decades, the number of overweight and obese children has more than doubled. This puts children at risk to become overweight or obese adults with serious problems such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.


U-M exercise physiologist Audrey Hazekamp recommended that parents teach their children by example to get up, get out and together make exercise fun. Doing so will keep the whole family physically and emotionally healthier.

Taking family walks or bike rides are just a few simple ways to get everyone physically involved and interacting, she said. Plus, it helps parents to teach their kids how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

One of the easiest ways to get the family moving is to encourage playing outside during the day. Hazekamp urged parents to limit unhealthy habits such as watching television, playing video games or sitting at the computer, which keep children inside and inactive.


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