
Evolution theory challenged in Missouri

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Some Missouri state lawmakers want teachers to introduce an alternative to the theory of evolution in classrooms.

The bill, which Republican Rep. Wayne Cooper sponsored, would require school science curriculums to define evolution as a theory resting on a historical hypothesis that has not, and cannot, be proved. It would also require teaching of the intelligent design theory, the Kansas City Star said Friday.


The seven-page bill defines scientific terms and how they should be applied to the teaching of evolution and intelligent design. It would require equal treatment of both theories, in the amount of textbook space and the time spent in classroom instruction.

Opponent Eugenie Scott of the California-based National Center for Science Education said evolution proponents haven't yelled loud enough -- they simply have science on their side.

Intelligent design theory, which she called a cloak for creationism, hasn't made it into high school classrooms because it hasn't established merit with the scientific community, she said.

If the measure becomes law, teachers who do not follow its requirements could lose their jobs.

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