
Study: Earthlike planets might be common

SEATTLE, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- Although astrobiologists disagree whether advanced life is common or rare in our universe, a new study suggests there may be many Earthlike candidate planets.

The University of Washington study involved 44 computer simulations of planet formation near a sun. Astronomers found each simulation produced one to four Earthlike planets.


Astronomy doctoral student Sean Raymond said: "Our simulations show a tremendous variety of planets. You can have planets that are half the size of Earth and are very dry, like Mars, or you can have planets like Earth. Or you can have planets three times bigger than Earth, with perhaps 10 times more water."

It currently is impossible to detect Earthlike planets around other stars.

Raymond is lead author of the study, which has been accepted for publication in Icarus, the journal of the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences.

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