
Colorado man offering drone hunting lessons in Deer Trail

Also designed license to “hunt and kill drones operating within the sovereign airspace of the town of Deer Trail.”

By Evan Bleier
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Dec. 2 (UPI) -- Residents of Deer Trail, Colo., may soon be engaging in drone-hunting activities that may irk some Amazon executives.

Self-described drone killer Phil Steel wrote an ordinance making it legal to hunt drones within the town’s limits and he is currently offering lessons to anyone who is interested.


In order to simulate drone activity, Steel uses dozens of Estes rockets. As part of his plan, he has created novelty licenses to “hunt and kill drones operating within the sovereign airspace of the town of Deer Trail.” Almost one thousand people have applied for the license.

The issue of whether Deer Trail should sell licenses to hunt drones first went before the town board in August. It specifically lays out limitations like restricting shooting to daylight hours and only allowing the shooting of unmanned aerial vehicles flying lower than 1,000 feet over private property.

The town votes on the ordinance, Dec. 10.

[KDVR] [Denver Post]

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