
Man calling himself 'Louis Slungpue' pranks ABC 7's UCLA water main break coverage

He speculated that it could have been caused by a "really large dump."

By Evan Bleier
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LOS ANGELES, July 30 (UPI) -- The staff at ABC 7 in Los Angeles may want to watch some episodes of The Simpsons and familiarize themselves with the prank calls that Bart usually makes to Moe's Tavern.

A man calling himself "Louis Slungpue" and claiming to be a DWP spokesman called up the station and actually got on the air.


After informing reporters that the pronunciation of his name was "slung-poo," the prankster speculated that flushing a cherry bomb down the toilet could have caused the problem.

"We're in the investigation phase. Either a cherry bomb or someone took a really large dump," Slungpue said.

His silly statement was met with, "That is incredible. Are you 100 percent sure about that?"

Someone at the station eventually figured out it was a prank and Slungpue was cut off.

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