
New Jersey dog called for jury duty in Cumberland County

German Shepherd IV was accidentally issued a summons.

By Evan Bleier
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BRIDGETON, N.J., April 15 (UPI) -- Talk about barking up the wrong tree…

A New Jersey man checked his mail last week and found a jury summons -- that was addressed to his dog.


The notice from the Cumberland County Clerk of Courts was addressed to Barrett Griner's 5-year-old German shepherd, IV.

"I got the mail and I look at it, and I’m like IV Griner, this is my dog’s name," Griner told NBC Philadelphia. "I’m wondering like, What is this? Something from the county office about her vaccinations or something? Like, why is my dog getting mail?"

Griner explained his dog's unusual name: "She’s a female, so I named her 'IV' without the 'Y' as sort of a play on words. Somebody had to physically type in that name and they didn’t pay any bit of attention to it."

But the jury duty computer may in fact be looking for Barrett Griner IV the human, not IV Griner the German shepherd.

Cumberland County’s jury duty notices are computer-generated, so errors like this are actually somewhat common.

"This happens many times. As an example, if you had John Henry IV, sometimes the notice might just say Henry IV," said county judiciary coordinator Dennis Moffa. "I think that the computer probably randomly picks some things that are probably not as on point as they should be."


Although the mix-up won’t end up giving the county another jury member, it did give Griner a reason to chuckle. "She [the dog] might be good for a cat burglar case or something like that," Griner said. "The whole thing was just really, really funny."

[NBC Philadelphia] [CBS Philly]

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