
Conjoined twins Shivanath and Shivram Sahu in India 'don't wish to get separated'

The 12-year-old boys share two legs and four arms.

By Evan Bleier
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RAIPUR , India, April 10 (UPI) -- This gives new meaning to the phrase “joined at the hip.”

Doctors have told 12-year-old conjoined twins Shivanath and Shivram Sahu that it would be possible to separate them, but the two boys, who share two legs and four arms, are saying they’d rather stick together.


The boys share a stomach but possess their own independent lungs, hearts and brains.

“We don't wish to get separated. We will stay like this even when we grow old. We want to live as we are,” Shivram said, the Daily Mail reported.

In addition to learning physical skills, the twins are also near the top of the class at their school.

“We have taught ourselves everything. We ride to school on a bicycle and playing cricket is no problem,” Shivanath said.

The boys’ father, Raj Kumar, has every intention of honoring their wishes.

“God has created them like this so they have to walk like they do. They will remain like this. I don't want anything else,” said the 45-year-old. “Even if doctors say so, I won't get my children separated. I have no interest in money. I'm the one who will work hard to nourish them. I don't need any help.”


[The Daily Mail]

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