
Dutch reporter falls off boat during interview

That water was probably really, really cold.

By Aileen Graef
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KAMPEN, Netherlands, April 9 (UPI) -- A Dutch reporter was interviewing the mayor of Kampen on a boat when she leaned a little too far over and fell in the water.

The reporter was able to tread water and the mayor tried to assist her with his golden mayoral necklace until someone tossed her a life saver. The viral blooper seems too perfect and too funny to be true, and some people are already suggesting it's fake.


"The interviewer, Martje Oesterholt, is a tourism marketing consultant working on promotion for Sail Kampen, the city of Kampen's huge Easter music festival. Sure, she could have slipped into the water -- through that conveniently open gate -- at the best possible moment in a promotional video, but post-Kimmel cynicism says it's unlikely," wrote Jay Hathaway of Gawker.

The video is in Dutch but -- fake or not -- it is still funny.

[HuffPost Live] [Gawker]

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