
Mayor wants to change name of Stillwater Log Jam because of Urban Dictionary definition

Log jam has a number of different definitions on UD, many of which are NSFW.

By Evan Bleier
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A Minnesota mayor is hoping to chop down the name of an upcoming lumberjack festival because of how "log jam" is defined in the Urban Dictionary.

When the Stillwater Log Jam is held from July 18-20, Mayor Ken Harycki hopes it will have a different name. The Mayor did admit that "to a certain extent it really doesn't matter what we want” but he would like to see name changed.


"I feel strongly against it because of its connotation," Harycki said. "Frankly, I didn't know that existed. I guess there's a whole subworld out there that I just found out about."

Here’s one of the less offensive definitions from UD: “Logjam: When you defecate and a chunk of fecal matter is pinched off/left behind and you are unable to push this small remainder out. As a result, when you wipe, you can never get completely clean.”

A city resident alerted Harycki’s office about the connotation.

"They said, 'check it out,'" Harycki said. "And my wife is a teacher, and she told me, 'We use Urban Dictionary all the time to understand our students,' so I checked it out and there's quite a few variations. I'm not quite sure I understand them all."


Festival organizer Cassie McLemore said there are no plans to change the name at this time.

"Oh my Lord," McLemore said. "Honestly, I mean how ridiculous do you have to be? Are we 14-year-old boys? Seriously. Ninety-nine percent of the people, that wouldn't even cross their minds. Why make a mountain out of a molehill? I think we're just a little too sensitive."

She added:

"We were a logging community; there were log jams; and 'jam' kind of goes with the name of a festival. There's a big mural of a log jam painted on a building in downtown Stillwater. Honestly, you can turn anything in a sexual meaning. There's probably something called The Lumberjack, too."

Actually there is.

[Minneapolis City Pages] [] [Urban Dictionary]

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