
Letter stamp erroneously lists former soccer star as dead

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MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 10 (UPI) -- A former German soccer star said an official stamp on a letter sent to him by a family court erroneously declared him dead.

The letter to Lothar Matthaus, 52, who played for Germany's World Cup winning team in 1990, was returned to the Munich family court with a stamp erroneously listing the former player as dead, The reported Thursday.


"It is an unbelievable cheek," Matthaus said of the stamp, which is believed to have been put in place by the post office. "You can find me anywhere. Everyone can see I'm still alive -- on the television on the football field, anywhere. If someone wants to send me something it is very easy. I moved to Budapest nine years ago."

The family court letter dealt with the claims Matthaus and his ex-wife have filed against one another, he said.

"The lawyers will have to sort it out," he said.

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