
London cabbies may receive quiet training

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LONDON, March 6 (UPI) -- A London official says the city's taxi cab drivers may be required to take courses on how to remain quiet while transporting passengers.

John Mason, Transport for London's head of taxi regulation, said while London taxi drivers currently pass a variety of tests to become licensed, he is considering making additional courses mandatory to improve taxi services, The Daily Telegraph said Saturday.


Among the potential course subjects in improved customer service would be how to recognize when a passenger would enjoy a quiet cab ride or how to transport disabled passengers.

Mason acknowledged that London's famed cab drivers have earned a reputation as outspoken and entertaining individuals, but added there is "always room for improvement."

"It's a world-renowned service. The drivers are always perceived to be some of the great characters you come across in London," he said.

"There is always room for improvement. Perhaps it is good sometimes to keep your mouth shut if you sense vibes from the customer that perhaps they are having a bad day."

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