
Children's show encourages terrorism

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GAZA, Feb. 13 (UPI) -- A Hamas children's television show produced in Gaza, has introduced a Bugs Bunny-like star character who vows, "I will eat the Jews," a report said.

The TV show, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," was condemned in 2007 for featuring a Micky Mouse-like character who advocated terrorist attacks aimed at Israelis, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.


This time around, a rabbit named Assud reportedly has become the new lead character of the show, which is produced by the Hamas-led TV station Al-Aqsa.

"This program is telling us that they see children as tools in their propaganda and their war," Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus told the British newspaper.

The show reportedly ends with a song called, "We will never recognize Israel," and is broadcast via satellite throughout Arab-speaking countries.

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