
Artist engages in 72 hours of date prep

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NEW YORK, July 10 (UPI) -- A New York performance artist gathered footage for an artistic project recently by being filmed spending 72 hours preparing for a romantic date.

Whether the footage shows Lian Amaris Sifuentes trying on countless dresses, talking on the telephone or applying different shapes of lipstick, the 72 hours of film will ultimately be condensed into a feature-length film, the New York Post said Tuesday.


For every hour filmed of Sifuentes' meticulous date preparation at Union Square, a single minute will be taken until a 72-minute film is created.

The film's director, Luke DuBois, said the editing process will make it seem like the dance professor is engaging in a normal act of date preparation.

But that preparation will feature a rapidly changing ensemble of taxis and pedestrians that will make for an unusual viewing experience.

"It's interesting to see everything, like the traffic lights in the background," DuBois told the Post.

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