
Publishers fear too much digitalization

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NEW YORK, Jan. 21 (UPI) -- Publishers and editors at a conference held at the New York Public Library said digital technology may spell the end of the physical book.

The Sunday Times of London reported on the conference, which was attended by, among others, the editor of Wired magazine and Google executives.


The conference, known as Unbound, examined intellectual property rights in the context of the digitalization of books and other information.

Google Book Search, the Times reported, contains some 30 million volumes. But publishers are not happy, and their advocates have started a class action suit against Google that is expected to go to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The digitalization of libraries is another concern for publishers. Many fear the cultural repercussions if students acquire books in an information format rather than the book format, which is thought to promote reading for knowledge and wisdom, not simply information.

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