
Cell phones targeted at Milwaukee schools

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MILWAUKEE, Jan. 17 (UPI) -- Milwaukee public school officials are preparing to get serious about a seldom enforced ban on cell phones on school grounds.

Cell phones are banned on school premises during school hours, but the rule until recently was rarely enforced, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.


All Milwaukee public school principals were recently informed that starting Jan. 29, the ban will become a major focus within the educational system, and they should find ways to reinforce it in their schools.

While most violators of the rule will likely not be dealt with very harshly, those who use their cell phones or other two-way communication devices to draw violence into a school could face possible expulsion.

The move comes as new Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm revealed plans to charge those involved in school violence with felonies rather than simply passing out disorderly conduct tickets, the paper said.

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