
Clickers allow students to talk back

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MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Professors at the University of Minnesota say that high-tech clickers help their students stay on top of the material and also increase class attendance.

Donald Liu, who teaches a microeconomics course, uses the clickers to pose a multiple-choice question to the 110 students after 10 minutes of covering material, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. As students click their answers, their names appear on a screen, and he can then pick one to explain why he or she answered that way.


Liu gives students 2 points for a correct answer, one for a wrong answer and zero for not answering at all.

Some students have tried to cut class by giving their clickers to friends. But Liu said that by using a seating chart and memorizing his students' faces, he can figure out who is missing -- and send them an e-mail asking them why they weren't in class.

The next step is likely to be laptops.

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