
Cookies and chips still favorite snacks

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CHICAGO, Nov. 8 (UPI) -- A nationwide survey of snacking habits highlights the country's sweet and salty tooth as cookies and chips sell into the multi-millions annually.

Information Resources Inc. compiled 2005 supermarket sales data and found Oreo cookies and Lay's chips were the favorites.


In Chicago alone $102 million was spent on cookies and nearly $76 million on crackers in 2005 -- and that's only through Oct. 2, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

In Philadelphia and the Washington/Baltimore area, snackers discard Lay's for the local brands Herr's and Utz. Sales of the two local brands double Lay's sales.

Sales of nuts and granola are climbing into popularity, especially in Los Angeles where sales are up 17 percent for nuts and 24 percent for granola.

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