
Pa. considers new limits on snake roundups

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HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 1 (UPI) -- Pennsylvania is considering new limits on rattlesnake and copperhead roundups.

Under current regulations, wild snakes caught for roundups must be returned to the place they were found. Timber rattlesnakes and copperheads used for sacking contests -- in which contestants try to stuff as many as possible into a bag -- must be imported from out of state.


There also are sacking contests for non-venomous snakes, but it's the prospect of a bite from a pit viper that draws the crowds.

The Lancaster New Era reports the proposed changes would raise permit fees, cut catch limits and ban the capture of female rattlesnakes and all males under 42 inches.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission also wants to ban the use of any species native to the state, imported or not, in sacking contests, although non-native species could be brought in for the purpose.

Dave McFadden, who puts roundups on around the state, says they teach the public to appreciate snakes. "The people who oppose these hunts would balk at a lightning bug-catching contest," he said.

Herpetologist Jack Hubley says the roundups teach "all the wrong lessons" about snakes.


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