
Michigan sisters share life and birth

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JACKSON, Mich., Sept. 6 (UPI) -- Michigan sisters Courtney Beach and Ashlee Graham have shared motherhood for a second time -- this time on exactly the same day.

Three years ago, Beach, 24, and Graham, 23, bore daughters two days apart, on Dec. 8 and Dec. 10.


On Friday, they shared a delivery date when Beach of Jackson, Mich., gave birth to her fourth child, a son named Kayden. Within hours, Graham of Rives Junction, Mich., gave birth to her third child, a daughter named Caleigh.

The sisters, who said they have always been close, also shared a birth site -- Foote Hospital in Jackson, Mich.

"Maybe it's because we were so close growing up," Beach told the Jackson (Mich.) Citizen Patriot of the unplanned simultaneous pregnancies. "We've been trying to figure it out."

Kim Hunter said she needs no explanation of her daughters' synchronized pregnancies.

"I like it," said Hunter as she held both babies. "I (held them both at the same time) with the first two and I can do it with these two."

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