
Mystery twist in Wendy's chili finger

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SAN JOSE, Calif., April 14 (UPI) -- A Nevada woman thinks a partial finger found in a bowl of Wendy's chili in San Jose, Calif., last month is the one a leopard bit off her in February.

Sandy Allman, of Pahrump, Ariz., told the San Jose Mercury News a leopard bit off part of her finger Feb. 23 while she was preparing to turn over the exotic cat and other animals to a rescue group from an exotic animal sanctuary.


She was eventually treated at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas, but too much time had elapsed to reattach the severed portion.

Then on March 22, Anna Ayala found a fingertip in her chili in a San Jose Wendy's franchise.

Allman said she saw a picture of the finger found in the chili on television Wednesday and realized it most likely was hers. She called the police and offered to provide a DNA sample, although one was not requested.

Police declined to discuss the latest development so as not to compromise the investigation, which has five investigators tracking down leads from across the country.

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