
Terrorism 101 is a hot course on campus

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CINCINNATI, Jan. 24 (UPI) -- A University of Cincinnati professor says he has been teaching classes about terrorism since 1976 -- when "terrorism wasn't cool."

"I was into terrorism when terrorism wasn't cool," said Ed Bridgeman, who says Terrorism 101 is the hot, new course on hundreds of campuses. "The purpose of the class is not to make students terrorism experts because, in my opinion, there is no expert on terrorism."


Bridgeman says students often ask how terrorism can be stopped, but the professor -- who studied terrorism at the FBI Academy, in the Middle East and at Interpol -- admits he has no answer, the Cincinnati Post reported Monday.

"One reason terrorism is so persistent is that it has no return address," he said. "When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, we knew where to retaliate."

"Their (terrorists) intention is not to kill Americans. Their intention is to kill America. To kill what we stand for. Because America stands for what these terrorists are diametrically opposed to -- Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Britney Spears and all things they think unholy."

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