
Osama-on-Osama book coming soon

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NEW YORK, Jan. 21 (UPI) -- U.S. publisher Doubleday is preparing "The al-Qaida Reader," a history of the Muslim terror group in its leaders' own words, to be released next year.

The book is taken primarily from two books published in the Mideast in the 1990s and studied in U.S. government circles since Sept. 11, 2001.


The older text is "The Battles of the Lion's Den of the Arab Partisans in Afghanistan," a collection of interviews with Osama bin Laden and his top aides about the origins of al-Qaida.

The newer source is "Bitter Harvest," one of several books by Ayman Zawahiri, who criticizes Egypt's moderate Muslim Brotherhood and argues for killing Jews and Christians as a form of religious piety.

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