
Radio station lays claim to crop circles

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DETROIT, Aug. 6 (UPI) -- A Detroit radio station says two of its employees created three well-publicized crop circles in a farmer's wheat field.

But not everyone believes the radio station, WKQI, known for its publicity stunts, is responsible for the circles, the Detroit Free Press said Wednesday.


The station apologized on-air for duping farmer Mike Esper and news media.

"The radio station doesn't owe us an apology," said Free Press executive editor Carole Leigh Hutton. "Our story didn't take the position that the crop circles were real. It was about the people who go out in response to the circles."

It quoted a crop-circle researcher saying the circles were not a man-made hoax. Jeffrey Wilson speculated the circles were the result of natural phenomena.

Anyone with wood planks and rope can create the perfect diameter to smash down crops. Despite this, thousands of people around the world flock to the circles looking for inspiration or a trace of another world.

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