
A Blast From The Past

By PENNY NELSON BARTHOLOMEW, United Press International
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Today is April 21.

"Remember the Alamo!" It was on this date in 1836 that Texan forces under Sam Houston defeated the army of Mexican Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna at San Jacinto, Texas. It was Gen. Santa Ana whose forces had overrun the Alamo, killing a number of Texans, and now it was payback time. Santa Ana sued for peace, a treaty was signed and the Republic of Texas was born.


A couple of milestones in the war in Indochina, later known as the Vietnam War. On this date in 1954, U.S. Air Force planes began flying French troops to Indochina to reinforce Dien Bien Phu. At that time, the country was a French colony. The city later fell to communist Viet Minh forces.

And on this date in 1975, Nguyen Van Thieu resigned as president of South Vietnam after denouncing the United States as untrustworthy. His replacement, Tran Van Huong, prepared for peace talks with North Vietnam as communist forces advanced on Saigon.

Timothy McVeigh, 27, arrested 90 minutes after the Oklahoma City explosion because he'd been driving without license plates, was formally charged in the bombing on this date in 1995. He'd later be convicted and sentenced to death. Two brothers -- Terry and James McNichols -- also were taken into federal custody in connection with the bombing. Terry McNichols eventually was charged and convicted of lesser charges.


And on this date in 1963, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones met for the first time at the Crawdaddy Club in Richmond, West London, England -- where the Stones were playing.

We now return you to the present, already in progress.

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