James Earl Carter, Jimmy Carter Jr., 76th Governor of Georgia 1971 to 1975, two term Georgia Senate, 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981, Nobel Peace laureate of 2002, President, Jimmy Carter, 25-year old daughter-in-law, Caron Carter, Bethesda Naval Hospital, early stages, labor, Chip, expecting first child, together, White House, photo by the President's son Jeff, photographer UPI UPI

Chip and Caron Carter at the White House

Chip and Caron Carter at the White House

president's Jimmy Carter's 25-year old daughter-in-law, Caron Carter, was taken to bethesda Naval Hospital on February 25, 1977 in the early stages of labor. Caron, wife of carter's son Chip, is expecti ng her first child. She and Chip are shown in a recent photo of them together at the White House, in a photo taken by the President's son Jeff. (UPI Photo/Jeff Carter/The White House/Files)

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