Bin Laden and Saddam Action Figures

Bin Laden and Saddam Action Figures

WAX2002112601 - WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 (UPI) - The new G.I. Joe? Hero, has developed a line of provocative action figures of people in the news. Saddam's Hussein's camouflage uniform can be swapped for an S&M outfit, and the Usama bin Laden figure can be donned out in a pink dress. Pictured is the full line including from left, Saddam Hussein, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Usama bin Laden, U.S. President George W. Bush, another Saddam doll with no hat and glasses, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and American Taliban member John Walker Lindh. (to go with bc-culturevulture-sadaosaddam by claude salhani). Hero Builders/Chris Corder UPI

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