
Pumpkins, rutabagas lead to most injuries

LONDON, June 17 (UPI) -- The kitchen is where some of the most serious home accidents occur and cuts are among the most common types of injury, a British safety expert says.

Sheila Merrill, public health adviser at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents in England, said tens of thousands of people are treated each year in British hospital emergency rooms for cuts that occur while cooking, The Daily Telegraph reported.


A survey of more than 2,000 customers of takeaway service Just-Eat -- taken to coincide with National Food Safety Week -- found root vegetables pumpkins, rutabagas and turnips topped the list of most dangerous produce.

Almost 25 percent said pumpkins were the toughest vegetable to skin and chop while one-fifth said rutabagas were the most dangerous.

Two-in-5 said they had injured themselves trying to imitate TV chefs when slicing vegetables, the survey said.

To prevent kitchen accidents make sure knives are sharp and in good condition, use a vegetable peeler where appropriate and do not rush chopping, Merrill advised. Keep knives away from children and always supervise children when they help in food preparation, she said.


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