
Gardasil recommended for all U.S. boys

ATLANTA, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials recommend vaccinating all U.S. boys ages 11 or 12 with the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine.

A report published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report said the quadrivalent HPV vaccine is also recommended for boys and young men ages 13 through 21.


"Quadrivalent HPV vaccine is safe and effective for men through age 26, but to have the most benefit, it is best given to young men and boys; but men ages 22 through 26 years may receive vaccine," the report said. "Men who have sex with men and men with an immunocompromising condition, such as HIV, should receive the vaccine through age 26."

The HPV vaccine recommendation for males replaces the guidance provided in October 2009 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices -- which advises the CDC -- that the vaccine may be given to males ages 9 through 26, the report said.

With these recommendations in place, HPV vaccine is now recommended for all boys and girls at age 11 or 12.

One vaccine -- Gardasil -- is recommended for males. Two vaccines -- Gardasil and Cervarix -- are available for females, and either is recommended, CDC officials said.


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