
'Viagra condom' poised for EU approval

GUILDFORD, England, May 10 (UPI) -- A new product uses a compound -- licensed under the brand name of Zanifil -- to help men maintain a firmer erection during intercourse while wearing a condom.

It's called CSD500, it's described as a condom safety device and it may result in more men wearing condoms during sex, a pharmaceutical group in Britain says.


Futura Medical in Guildford, England, says discussions with European Union regulatory authorities have confirmed the product will be classified within the EU as a Class III medical device with an ancillary medicinal substance, but will be sold throughout Europe in the same way as conventional condoms.

While some have dubbed it the "Viagra condom," it is not a treatment for erectile dysfunction -- something Viagra does treat -- Futura's condoms are designed for men who get turned off while wearing a condom.

In a double-blind clinical study, researchers compared CSD500 against a standard condom. A significant proportion of both men and women reported improvements in the firmness of the man's erection during intercourse when using CSD500, compared with a standard condom -- a statistically significant result, Futura officials say.


"Furthermore, of those who expressed a preference, a significant proportion of both men and women also felt that CSD500 increased the penis size and a significant proportion of women reported a longer lasting sexual experience with CSD500," Futura officials say in a statement.

"The quality of the study results has reinforced our confidence that CSD500 has significant commercial potential."

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