
Most youth in Britain say they're happy

ESSEX, England, March 5 (UPI) -- Seventy percent of youth in Britain ages 10-15 say they're happy or very happy, researchers found.

The study, Understanding Society, which is tracking 40,000 British households, asked 2,000 young people how satisfied they are with their lives.


The study managed by the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex found:

-- 60 percent say they are completely satisfied with their family situation.

-- Children in single-parent families were less likely to report themselves completely happy.

-- Having older siblings is not linked to children's happiness, but having younger siblings is linked to lower levels of satisfaction.

-- Children who quarrel more than once a week with their parents or don't discuss important matters with them have a 28 percent chance of rating themselves completely happy.

-- Children who eat dinner with their family at least three times a week are more likely to report being completely happy than children who never eat with their family.

-- TV is completely unrelated to a young person's happiness.

"Despite the seemingly high levels of happiness amongst young people in the United Kingdom, our children's well-being has remained about the same since the UNICEF report in 2007, which rated Britain's children as some of the most unhappy in the developed world," Dr. Gundi Knies, a researcher at ISER, says.


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