
Beware 'day after' Halloween candy

CHICAGO, Oct. 29 (UPI) -- Those buckets and bowls of leftover Halloween candy your co-workers bring into the office the next day can be a real diet-buster, health experts say.

Consuming too many of those leftover treats cannot only expand your waistline, they can decrease your productivity, Loyola University Health System registered dietitian Brooke Schantz says.


Schantz says a sugar high can lead to a few minutes of initial alertness and provide a short burst of energy, but the sugar crash when the high wears off will make you feel tired, fatigued and hungry, a university release said.

Schantz offers some tips for dealing with the abundance of office Halloween candy that usually shows up the next morning.

Agree with co-workers not to bring in leftover candy.

Have breakfast so you don't arrive at work feeling hungry.

Bring in alternative healthy snacks instead.

And finally, if you must bring in candy, put it in an out-of-the-way spot.

"Don't put it in people's faces so they mindlessly eat it," Schantz says.

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